Have you ever created, produced or distributed films, tv series, fictions, documentary, cartoons or any other cinematographic or audiovisual work? With Videorights you can manage your royalties globally.
Your rights
If you are a producer of audiovisual works, you can choose to collectively manage some of your rights collectively.
Discover which rights you can manage thanks to Videorights:
Private copy compensation is due to rightholders of the audiovisual industry and allows consumers to copy works protected by copyright from one device to another without infringing copyright. For example, consumers are allowed to make a copy for a personal use of a film lawfully acquired or legally downloaded.
The private copying fee is recognized in the main countries of the European Union.
In Italy, private copy compensations are paid by the manufacturers and importers of blank media (e.g., PC, tablets, smartphones, DVDs).
As provide for by the law, producers have the right to authorize the retransmission of the works of which it is the copyright owner. In order to ensure the effective exercise of this right and to simplify the authorization procedures, the licences has to be managed collectively.
Our services
Videorights adopts the best practices to negotiate, collect and distribute royalties to producers. No subscription fee required.
Videorights has an innovative and design thinking approach focused on data and technology as the key priorities to enhance service levels and maximise revenues for its clients.
Videorights operates worldwide directly or through established partnerships with others Collective Management Organizations.
Join us
If you are an audiovisual producer and you want to let Videorights to manage your repertoire, please download and fill in the mandate.
Joining Videorights is simple and free.
Fill in and send us the following documents.
Joining Videorights is simple and free.
Fill in and send us the following documents.
For any further information please send us an e-mail at
Who is with us
30 Holding
80922 Canada Ltd
Apnea Film
Ares Film S.r.l
Barbieri Communication
Cinemusa S.r.l
Colorado Film
D'Acunto Angelo
De Agostini Editore Spa
(excluding home video right)
(excluding home video right)
De Maistre Ludovico
Eventidigitali S.r.l.
Foothill Entertainment Inc
GFILM Productions Srl
Invisibile Film
Italia Classica
La 7 Spa
Less Is More Produzioni srl
Linx Multimedia Factory srl
Manfrè Gabriella
Mars Entertainment S.r.l.s.
Mediterraneo Cinematografica
Monster Entertainment
Noi Film
Nuvole & Strisce
On Air
Panigalli Gaia
Picture Show
R.T.I. Reti Televisive Italiane Spa
Raimondi Domenico - Nautilus Film
Riservarossa S.r.l.
Roccaro Marco
Rondinelli Jacopo
Run With Us Productions
Showbiz Movies
Sky Italia
Storia del Fantasma S.r.l
Studio Azzurro Produzioni Srl
Taodue Film
The Munchies
Tiberia Lorenzo
Travel Media House
Troupe Legere Srls
TV CO S.r.l.
Zoo Aperto srl
Zoom Srl